Please review this section before submitting technical enquiries via the Contact section as most common queries are covered here. However, if you do not find what you are looking for then please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
For ease of use, the information in this section is divided into seven relevant sub-sections.
1. General Information
The Platform is an online digital resource for official Laureus photographic and Footage assets and includes coverage of the various Laureus World Sport Awards events.
The Platform is intended as a resource for all media and related organisations requiring access to photographs and footage of these high profile events.
Within the Platform you may browse or search for images and footage, compile a Collection of favourite images, download high quality footage and print resolution images or choose to have images and footage delivered to you via various means.
With regard to usage of the Laureus assets including footage and images you are referred to our Terms and Conditions which you will already have reviewed and accepted during the registration process.
2. Search
The search section allows you to browse through or search the Platform.
To see the latest images and footage, leave the keywords box empty and click search. The media from all catalogues will be displayed, most recent first. Use the filters on the left-hand side to filter by image or video.
To search for media of a specific person or event type keywords (e.g 'Ed Moses' or 'Regatta 2001') into the keywords box and click 'Search'. The media matching your keywords will be displayed, most recent first. To narrow down the search results, select a filter from the Filter & Sort menu to search within.
Should you not be able to find what you require then please contact us and send us details of the image[s] you need.
3. Collection
The Collection section is where you can store your favourite images or footage for later review, download and/or delivery.
Media items placed within the Collection will remain there until they are removed by you. This means you may spread your downloads over a number of visits or keep a selection of images ready to download for use.
In order to download a media item, click on 'Download'.
4. Contact
The contact section contains an email form with which you can submit enquiries and support requests. Simply fill in all the fields marked as required plus as many other relevant fields and click 'Submit' to send your message.
Also available on this page are Laureus contact email addresses should you wish to contact us using your own email software, as well as full telephone and postal address details.
5. Request Footage and Image Assests
If you cannot find a specific piece of content you require then please use this page to submit details of the required image directly to us. When filling in this form please include as much relevant information as possible as this will greatly assist us in finding your content.
Once we have conducted our search you will be contact via email with download instructions.